Te Taumata Arowai – NZ Water Conference

Live Illustrated Conference


With so many reforms and sustainability challenges in the water sector –  including the new direction set by Te Mana o te Wai – the conference organizers wanted to ensure that the key messages were as impactful and shareable as possible.

Voila! We covered keynotes as well as capturing the insights from the deep dive  of workshop participants. The result was an engaging experience for conference goers and a set of digitally rendered illustrattions that lived on long after the event was over. Perfect for sharing online and printing in reports and elsewhere.


Content Synthesis

We capture the content and synthesise it turning it into a visual treat that is easily digestible.

Digital Art

Digital illustration created on an Ipad Pro – can be projected-live, printed or shared online. It is able to be refined until it is perfect.

Live In-Person

Created live in the room while the conversations are happening, ideas are flowing and atmosphere is being soaked up.

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